RSVP now for a free upcoming event with the Office of Financial Empowerment, including Operation HOPE and College Kids!

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We’re excited to invite you to our College Kids Dine for a Cause Fundraiser! Join us at The Fountain on Locust located at 3037 Locust on Wednesday, August 7th from 4pm-8pm. By dining with us, a portion of the proceeds will go towards providing incentives and increasing accessibility to college and post- secondary education for children in the City of St. Louis. It’s a win-win situation – you get to enjoy an amazing meal, desserts and specialty drinks while also making a difference in a child’s life.  Reservations are welcome and upon ordering mention the College Kids fundraiser.  Come early and come hungry!  If you have any questions, please contact Barb Davis at 314-314-5845 or [email protected].

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